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Create one or more sub-actions

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The creation of sub-actions is possible at any time for all members of the folder to which this action is attached.

When creating sub-actions within an action, the sum of the sub-actions is deemed to be equal to the completion of the action. Thus, the action will be completed when all sub-actions are completed.

It will no longer be possible to freely update the progress bar of the “parent” action. The latter will be conditioned by the sum of the progress of its sub-actions.

In the action record, open the “Sub-actions” tab.

Adding sub-actions is done through the quick add action area at the bottom of this tab.

In the action plan of a file, the sub-actions will appear with a light grey background and a slight indentation to the right to better identify them.

A sub-action is then managed exactly like a classic action: progress bar, closure, priority, deadline, contributors, attached documents, comments etc… with one exception: a sub-action cannot itself have other sub-actions.

You will keep track of this change in the ” action histor y ” tab .

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