Do you have a meeting report to write and don’t know how to manage the presentation of this document? You are wondering how to write good meeting minutes ? Follow our tips to get the perfect template to use for all your future reports.

Know the basics of writing good meeting minutes

The minutes of the meeting are used to make the decisions taken during the meeting operational. In many cases, the writer of this document is a secretary and has skills in fast typing, summarizing information and formatting working documents. If you are wondering how to take minutes of a meetingIn order to do this, you need to master the basics and the essential steps, which are :

  • enter a header (meeting title, date, time) ;
  • recall the agenda ;
  • indicate the functions of the stakeholders;
  • recall the context
  • highlighting decisions ;
  • use only two different fonts for a pleasant reading.

Take care of the presentation for the reader

The reader must have before him a concise, clear document in which he can easily find the decisions taken. To do this, you need to choose a nice font, space out the paragraphs, highlight your paragraph headings (intertitles). The header of your working document will include your logo, as well as the name of the writing department.

By following a few examples, you will be able to write a relevant and concise statement of conclusions. Whatever the context of the meeting, once you have a template in place, you can use it after each session. This document will then be sent to invited members or to all staff.

A tool to make good

meeting minutes ?

Include the essential elements

Your template for writing meeting minutes will include clear and effective formatting. A real work of memory, this document will be used to remember the agenda, the different stages of a decision, carefully written by a secretary. Remember the primary function of this document and think of the reader.

You don’t know how to make a meeting minutes template ? Follow our advice, the different steps to take, in order to get a relevant writing. Once you have made your outline, you can fill in the part listing the present, absent and excused members, who constitute the invited members of the body. Of course, it is important not to forget to specify their functions, since a member may change positions or companies during his or her career.

Another tip is to include the start and end times of the meeting, but also the decisions made and the results of any votes. These steps will give you an architecturally perfect checklist. Don’t hesitate to look at different examples of reports for inspiration!